Friday, January 28, 2011

Day of Gratitude

Much like Daniel, I have felt lately like my future was unknown and threatening. I've worked for over a month trying to get all our family health insurances in order, because my COBRA extension was running out. Sandy's treatments, while covered nearly 80% by Medicare, are unbelievably expensive. If I had to come up with the other 20%, our savings would be gone in short order.

Well, today the last hurdle seems to have been overcome. We got an automated phone message that Sandy's supplemental insurance has been approved and we should get her ID and packet in another week. What a relief!

I'm not quite sure why I so relieved since I still have to find the money to pay her premiums and my independent health premiums and still have enough to live on. But I'm grateful to know that if an emergency arises I can get Sandy or myself the care we need without loosing our home in the process.

There are still the lions of long term care and no dental coverage out there, but they seem so much less dangerous right now. Like Daniel, I put my faith in my Protector and live on the hope of His promises.

I also was blessed tonight to find my way back into this blog account. It allows me to have my place of self expression, and access to visiting the blogs of my close friends. Again, that this remains in tact is my hope and expectation.

My lions are less restless tonight!

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